*Please note that the front office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm – 12:30pm each day.
Phone: (608) 257-2534
Fax: (608) 257-2507
Please do not use this form to apply for Porchlight Housing, to submit a maintenance request, or to inquire about employment with Porchlight.
For all other inquiries, please complete the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Requesting Camera Footage – Outside Agencies (internal requests should be routed to your supervisor or the program manager)
To request security footage from Porchlight, email hr@porchlightinc.org with the following details:
Porchlight cooperates with all law enforcement to provide evidence for investigations. Requests outside of law enforcement will be reviewed at a leadership level. Only the leadership team at Porchlight can approve the release of security footage.
All requests and responses to requests will be documented internally, including requests from law enforcement.
If your request for security footage is approved, you must provide a USB flash drive to staff for receipt of the footage. Files may also be shared through OneDrive, when feasible.