We are so proud of Porchlight resident, Daniel. He graduated from Madison College on May 11, 2018 with an associate degree in marketing. Daniel has always been a valuable part of the Porchlight community by showing his effervescent smile to those around him, supporting others in groups, and being a neighbor who cares about everyone around him. Thank you Daniel for all that you do and congratulations on your great achievement! Daniel also would like to share his story with the Porchlight community: “Porchlight really helped me. It offered the stability that I always needed. It wasn’t any interference with people coming in late at night, or early in the morning. There were no interruptions for me to get things done that I needed to get done. There was not PTSD from the penitentiary with other inmates. I felt peace. I was able to hear peace and realize I could get some things accomplished.”
Photo: Lauren Orlofsky