

Volunteers are integral to Porchlight’s success.  Volunteers contribute in a variety of ways, both project-based and ongoing.
Find out how you can get involved!

Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers

Volunteer Opportunities

Lend Your Skill in Graphic Arts (year-round, individuals)

Porchlight is seeking talented, creative artists and graphic designers for a variety of projects throughout the year.  Volunteers can set their own schedules and control their own creative process.  There are no training requirements.  Volunteers meet with staff at the beginning of the project, then work independently.  If you would like to lend your talents to a worthy cause, this opportunity is for you!

Make a House a Home (starting Spring 2021, health and safety protocols are followed)

This opportunity is great for groups who want to be of service to families and individuals who are transitioning from homelessness into Porchlight’s scattered site affordable housing.  Volunteer groups help prepare units for their new tenants to arrive.  Tasks may include cleaning, painting, landscaping, and any other general upkeep needed to turn a house into a home.

If you have any particular skills that you do not see listed above and wonder if you could be of service to Porchlight, please contact Jessica Mathis at (608) 257-2534 ext. 20 or jmathis@porchlightinc.org.

Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers Porchlight volunteers